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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Materials Used to Make Glasses Frames (2)


Metal based glasses are also very common but more so with adults. They are harder to break and have a more classical appearance to them. They cannot be as easily coloured as plastic glasses can be. Most metal glasses are encased in a plastic frame so they can have a particular design to them but they aren`t as breakable as a normal fully plastic frame.

 The alloy (a mixture of different metals) most commonly used in the production of glasses is Monel. This is the most commonly used metal but a very small percentage of people have an allergic reaction of the sorts to this particular alloy. Their skin chemistry doesn`t agree with the alloy and spots may appear around the area of the glasses frame.

    Other metals can be used to make glasses such titanium. Its sliver-grey a metal that's lightweight, durable, strong and corrosion-resistant. It has been used for everything from the Gemini and Apollo space capsules to medical implants such as heart valves.

 NEXT WEEK: Unusual frame materials.